Is this what you’re thinking?

“I’ll start when….”

Things settle down. When I’m not so busy. When I finish this project.. When I get the raise.. When the kids go back to school.. After the holiday…”

“I don’t have time to focus on my diet and won’t be able to stick to it.”

If these are the thoughts coming up in your mind, this is what I want you to know: If a diet requires your life to be calm and to have all your ducks in a row, it will never last. Even if things do settle, busy is always around the corner. What you need is a plan that supports your lifestyle - one that you can implement when life is crazy and you’re feeling a bit under water. So now is actually the best time to start, because not only is it the time your body needs it the most, but I can create a plan for you that works with how you actually live.

And let’s be honest. We can spend our whole lives waiting to not be busy.

“It’s too expensive….”

I know the feeling, but here’s what I’ve learned: Our biggest ROI is always going to be investing in yourself. And not only in ourself, but in our well-being. Everything that we want to achieve in this lifetime, whether that is happiness, a successful career, a family, or whatever it is that you want.. it is so - much - easier when we feel energized, vibrant and well in our body.

We’ve been conditioned to feel the need to spend money on things we can see and touch, and freely give money away for materialistic items. Yet we have a hard time parting with money when it comes to investing in ourselves. But guess what? You invest once, and it will serve you for the rest of your life. They say you can’t buy happiness, but when happiness comes from within, working with a holistic nutritionist certainly gets you a whole lot closer.

“I don’t know if it’s right for me….”

That’s a very valid thought to have. If you know you want more health in your life but you’re just not sure I’m what you’re looking for, let’s schedule a call and find out. Then you can tell me about what you’re looking for, what your concerns are, and anything else that comes to mind. We’ll keep it low key and just have a good chat.